Cornegy To Unveil Statue Of Shirley Chisholm

City Council member Robert E. Cornegy Jr. (D-Northern Crown Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant) will unveil today a maquette (scale model) of a statue of Shirley Chisholm to be installed in nearby Brower Park in the next year.
The announcement is a part of Cornegy’s community cultural initiative to promote the history of people of color from District 36 by erecting statues of them throughout the district. Shirley Chisholm will be the first of four individuals slated to receive statues in their honor. Each Statue will commemorate an iconic person of color that made significant contributions to the Bedford-Stuyvesant and northern Crown Heights communities.
Renowned African American artist Sterling Brown designed the maquette of Chisholm that will eventually turn into a full-scale statue.
“It’s more important to promote the contributions of a wider array of people and cultures than tearing down statues commemorating those we may not like. My children benefit from the entire wealth of this country’s history – the good, bad and indifferent. I want to show our commitment by erecting statues that reflect the contributions of the great diversity of people who have made a positive impact on our lives,” said Cornegy.
The event is slated for 9 a.m., today, Dec. 3, at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, at 145 Brooklyn Avenue in Crown Heights.
BK Lawmakers Mark Celebration of Hanukkah

City Council member Jumaane D. Williams (D-Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood), Deputy Leader and Assembly member Rodneyse Bichotte (D-Flatbush, Ditmas Park) wished all Jewish city residents a Happy Hanukkah over the weekend.
The first official night of the Jewish holiday for this year began last night and will run for 8 days and nights, until Dec. 9. Hanukkah is the eight-day Jewish festival of lights that commemorates the Maccabees’ victory over their Greek-Syrian oppressors in 167 B.C., as well as the rededication of the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
“I would like to wish my Jewish brothers and sisters a ‘Chag Hanukkah Sameach,’ or a Happy Hanukkah. This holiday reminds us all of the incredible power of perseverance, faith and the miracles that those values make possible in our lives. In the year to come, let us work together to use our own reserves of perseverance and faith to make miracles possible in our own lives. My hope is that this holiday renews our strength, determination, and perseverance for the new year,” said Williams.
“To all a Happy Chanukah. May the light illuminating from the menorah be a light of hope and may the story of Chanukah be a beacon of inspiration to all that face trying times. A freilechen Chanukah!” said Bichotte.
BP Adams Reacts To Passing of Former President George H.W. Bush

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams sent his condolences to the Bush family in the wake of Former President George Herbert Walker Bush’s passing over the weekend.
The 41st President of the United States passed on Friday evening, at the age of 94. While in office, the former president managed the end of the Cold War and forged a global coalition to oust Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Bush’s death comes months after the passing of his wife of 73 years, Barbara. The former first lady died in April.
The death of Bush — nicknamed “41” to distinguish himself from son George W. Bush, “43” — was announced in a statement released late Friday, according to USA Today.
“Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro and I are saddened to announce that after 94 remarkable years, our dear Dad has died,” his son, former President George W. Bush, said in a statement released by family spokesman Jim McGrath. “George H.W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for. The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41’s life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens.”
“President George H.W. Bush was a true patriot, serving America as a veteran, statesman, public servant, and commander-in-chief. His leadership helped steer our nation through the great challenges posed by the Cold War, and his vision of Americans as ‘a thousand points of light’ in community service and charitable deeds shines brightly as a North Star for us to follow. On behalf of all Brooklynites, I send my condolences out to his family in this time of mourning,” said Adams.
Persaud Responds to Anti-Semitic Incident At Columbia University

State Senator Roxanne J. Persaud (D-Canarsie, East New York, Brownsville, Mill Basin, Sheepshead Bay, Bergen Beach, Marine Park, Flatlands, Mill Island, Georgetown, Ocean Hill, Starrett City) denounced the recent anti-Semitic incident that occurred at Columbia University last Wednesday involving a professor.
On Nov. 28, a professor at Columbia University fell victim to a hate crime when her office was defaced with anti-Semitic symbols and insults. According to a 2017 New York City Equality Indicators report, the city has seen an uptick in hate crimes recently, with many of the incidents targeting the Jewish community. Brooklyn alone faced the highest reported number of hate crimes among the five boroughs.
“Let me make this clear: Brooklyn will never tolerate hateful acts. I will always rise to the occasion to denounce acts of persecution, especially when I see them occurring in my hometown community,” said Persaud.
“To our Jewish neighbors, and any other group impacted by crimes of hate, take solace in knowing that the good citizens of Brooklyn stand united in our support for you. Furthermore, I will ceaselessly fight to ensure that Brooklyn reverses this despicable trend,” added Persaud.