Actress and liberal activist Cynthia Nixon announced her candidacy for governor on Monday, officially entering the Democratic primary against two-term incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo. Alongside a video, the “Sex And The City” star tweeted simply, “I love New York, and today I’m announcing my candidacy for governor.”
In the two minute video, she spoke of her upbringing in a fifth floor walkup with only her mother, and he life as a “proud public school graduate, and prouder public school parent,” before lamenting that the chances she was given are unavailable to kids today.

Without mentioning him by name, Nixon made clear swipes at Cuomo, saying “we want our government to work again, on healthcare, ending mass incarceration, fixing our broken subway. We are sick of politicians who care more about headlines and power than they do about us.”
Nixon faces an uphill battle against the established Cuomo, who boasts strong approval ratings and a deep campaign war chest. In a recent Siena College poll, the governor captured 66 percent of Democratic voters, compared to Nixon’s 19 percent. Nixon hopes ride the wave of progressive activism that began during the 2016 presidential election to mount a grassroots challenge to Cuomo, describing herself as a “progressive alternative to the incumbent, Andrew Cuomo, a centrist and Albany insider.”
Facing criticism from the progressive wing of his party in the past, Cuomo has been quick to point to his work legalizing marriage equality statewide in 2011, raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and passing 12 week paid family leave.
Cuomo defeated a progressive challenger in 2014, Fordham Law Professor Zephyr Teachout, who Cuomo defeated with 63% of the vote. Nixon, however, possess stronger name recognition and a more public history of liberal activism than anyone the governor has faced to date.
Nixon has reportedly been studying transportation policy, and plans to make the deteriorating MTA infrastructure a large issue of her campaign, which is seen by many as a weakness for the governor.
Also weighing Cuomo down is the guilty verdict on charges of corruption against Joseph Percoco, a former top aide to the governor. Nixon criticized Cuomo in a press release to reporters, saying “Cuomo’s time in office has been defined by a string of indictments for corruption…and support for backroom deals.”
Over the past several months, Nixon has been in contact with several veterans of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mayoral campaigns, although the mayor denies any involvement in Nixon’s challenge to his political rival.
Cuomo’s Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul also faces a progressive primary challenge of her own from City Council Member Jumaane Williams (D-Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood), who announced his candidacy last month.
The Democratic Primary will take place on September 13.