Meng To Bring Displaced Puerto Rican To Trump’s State Of Union

U. S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Bayside, Flushing, Forest Hills, Rego Park, Fresh Meadows, Glendale, Kew Gardens, Maspeth) will bring a displaced resident of Puerto Rico – who is presently living in Queens – as her guest to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address tonight before Congress.
Meng said she is doing so In an effort to stand with the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and highlight the need for additional hurricane recovery funding.
Meng will bring Omar Miguel Nieves Delgado, 33, who was living in San Juan when Hurricane Maria struck and severely damaged his home. Delgado, a dancer by training, also lost his source of income after the island was devastated by the storm. He and his partner relocated to New York City to live with a close friend, and they currently reside in Queens.
“It is an honor to bring Omar as my guest to the State of the Union after everything he has been through,” said Meng. “We cannot forget our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands who are still suffering acutely from the damage caused by Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Just last week, I visited Puerto Rico to see recovery efforts firsthand, and though some progress has been made, residents there still need much more help. I am proud to amplify Omar’s story of resilience, and I hope his attendance at the State of the Union will remind the President, and my congressional colleagues, of our obligation to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.”
In addition to bringing her guest, Meng will join members of the Democratic Women’s Working Group to wear black at the State of the Union to stand in solidarity with victims of sexual assault and harassment.
Lancman, Comrie, Hyndman Team Up To Fight Domestic Violence

City Council Member Rory I. Lancman (D), State Sen. Leroy Comrie (D) Assemblymember Alicia Hyndman (D), all of whom represent Hollis Park Gardens, Hollis, Lakewood, and Jamaica, teamed up last Friday with the 102rd Police Precinct, Safe Horizon, and the Make Me Over Beauty Bar teamed up to host a #PutTheNailInIt event at the Jamaica Colosseum Mall to raise awareness of domestic violence and how it impacts families and communities.
At the event, participants were encouraged to have their ring fingernail painted purple, courtesy of Make Me Over Beauty Bar, as part of the #PutANailInIt vow to end domestic violence. NYPD officers from the precicnt and Safe Horizon provided community members with information about domestic violence and where victims could seek assistance.
“Domestic violence is a frightening reality for far too many families in New York City,” said Lancman. “We are sending a strong message that domestic violence has no place in our community and our city, and that survivors have our complete support.”
The event came as the total number of domestic violence crimes in New York City has risen in recent years. According to the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence, in 2016 the NYPD responded to 91,600 intimate partner-related domestic violence calls, an increase of 22.6% from the previous year. Domestic violence has become the leading cause of homelessness in the City, now responsible for 30% of homeless families with children.
In response to the increase in domestic violence crimes, Lancman convened a Courts & Legal Services Committee hearing in September to examine the effectiveness of the City’s Integrated Domestic Violence Courts. As the new chair of the Committee on the Justice System, Lancman is planning additional hearings and oversight to ensure victims of domestic violence have ample protections and legal resources.

“We must take every opportunity we have to empower survivors of domestic violence by raising awareness about the work that advocacy organizations like Safe Horizon are doing,” said Comrie. “No one should ever feel helpless. I am proud to cosponsor Council Member Lancman’s #PutTheNailInIt event alongside the 103rd Precinct so that survivors in our community know there is a support network for them.”
“Thank you to all those who painted their nails purple to stand in solidarity with victims of domestic violence,” said Hyndman. “Domestic violence is a prevalent issue in our community and many are still afraid to seek help. By demonstrating our support and engaging the community, we allow survivors to feel safe and protected. No woman, man, or child should have to live in fear of the person they love.”
Koo, Grodenchik, Vallone Celebrate Winter Olympics With Korean Americans

City Council Members Peter Koo (D), Barry Grodenchik (D) and Paul Vallone (D), all of whom represent part of Queens sizable Korean-American population, yesterday joined with Korean American groups to present a City Council Citation celebrating the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
The lawmakers presented the citation to the Korean American Association of Queens and the Murray Hill Merchants Association.
“Hosting the Olympics is a great source of national pride where the host country is able to showcase everything that makes their country special to a worldwide audience. New York is home to 100,000 Koreans, many of whom call Flushing, Bayside and northeast Queens home. We congratulate the city of Pyeongchang and the many Korean American groups right here in Queens who contribute so much to our country,” said Koo.
“I’m proud to stand with my fellow Council Members as we recognize the Republic of Korea during this year’s Olympic Winter Games and the honor that comes with hosting these incredible games,” said Vallone. “Now more than ever, we need the Olympic spirit of peace, unity and international cooperation and I look forward to a successful XXIII Olympic Winter Games.”
Constantinides To Deliver State Of The District Address

City Council Member Costa Constantinides (D-Astoria, Jackson Heights, Woodside, East Elmhurst) tonight will deliver his annual Sate of the District Address.
Constantinides is expected to discus his upcoming priorities, examine the progress the city has made over the last year and discuss his vision for the city’s future.
Among the officials expected to attend are Public Advocate Letitia James and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson.
The address is slated for 7 p.m., tonight, Jan. 30 at P.S. 17 Henry David Thoreau, 28-37 29th Street, Astoria. The public is invited to attend. To do so, RSVP to Mike Corbett at