Stumpy Wagers Drinks Councilman-Elect Brannan’s Whiskey


The barkeeper at Denny’s Pub on McDonald and Church Avenues set up two whiskeys – one for me and one for my good friend and fellow political pundit Stumpy Wagers.

“Here’s to that old journalistic saying,” said the Stump man, lifting his glass. “There’s no Democratic or Republican way to drink their whiskey as long as there’s an open bar for the reporters.”

After the toast, I had to correct Stumpy.

“You do mean what the immortal New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia once said? ‘There is no Republican or Democratic way to pick up the garbage.'”

“Tell that to City Councilman-elect Justin Brannan. In his mind there’s no Democratic or Republican way to pick up the garbage as long as you have a 36-member bipartisan transition committee to reach consensus that it needs picking up.”

I knew the Stumper was referring to Brannan’s recently created transition team, and treating being a city council member like a recently elected government executive that is charged with filling heads of many offices and agencies, but I figured to play along.

“Tsk, tsk, Stumpy. Justin’s just practicing the old time-honored big tent theory of politics, where everybody has a voice.”

“About the only thing missing from that tent is some circus clowns and a man-eating lion,” replied Stumpy. “It reads to me like an old school political hit list.”

“Where do you see that?”

“Well, the first thing that caught my eye was the obvious, it includes both former Kings County GOP Chair Craig Eaton, and Andrew Gournardes. Everyone knows of the ongoing feud between Eaton and State Sen. Marty Golden, and all the insiders know Gounardes is Brannan’s guy to take on Golden next year.

“Then you have former district leader Ralph Perfetto, and no sign of current district leader who beat him, Kevin Peter Carroll. Always been a lot of bad blood between Carroll and Brannan. Looks to me like pay back a time is coming.”

“It is kind of funny now that you mention it.”

“Oh, and least we forget the appointment of one Warren Chan. He’s a nice enough fellow, but he’s also an arch-enemy of Assemblyman Bill Colton, City Councilman Mark Treyger and female district leader Nancy Tong. Looks to me like Brannan and his Bay Ridge Democrats gang is still smarting from how Treyger supported Assemblywoman Pam Harris and won the district leadership position.”

“But that’s politics, Stumpy. You know as well as me it’s a blood sport. Brannan is nothing if not a good political organizer. To the winner goes the spoils.”

Stumpy motioned for the barkeeper to set up another round.

“True enough, but I’ll bet you this,” said Wagers. “If you go against Brannan and live in the district when a nor’easter hits, don’t expect the snow to be plowed in front of your house. And when it melts expect a ticket in your mailbox for not shoveling the sidewalk in front of it.”

“Sounds a little harsh.”

“Maybe so,” said Stumpy, lifting his glass. “But you know the old Arab saying, ‘An enemy of my enemy is my friend’s enemy.'”

“I think you have one too many enemies in there, but I get the point.”