Pheffer Amato Keeps Her Senior Constituents In The Loop

State Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Rockaway Beach) has been keen on keeping the senior citizens in her district in the know on new legislation.
She has visited Neponsit Adult Day Care Center and the West End Temple in the past couple of weeks to provide updates to the residents there about new legislation since the 2017-2018 season is approaching.
Pheffer Amato said she found the crowds to be engaged and armed with questions and concerns about health care, transit, veterans’ affairs and more.
“It’s no surprise we have one of the most engaged senior communities here in South Queens,” said Pheffer Amato. “Every time I speak to a crowd, they show their caring for their community, their awareness of local, state and national issues and their willingness to talk about solutions is second to none. We have a high concentration of seniors in my district, so I consider it absolutely crucial to have these interactions. I appreciate so much the West End Temple Ladies’ Guild and Neponsit Adult Center for their hospitality, and I look forward to many more opportunities to engage our community’s wisest residents!”
Addabbo Reflects On The Last Five Years Since Sandy

To mark five years since Superstorm Sandy hit the city, State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. (D-Broad Channel, Ozone Park, Middle Village) reflected on progress made since the storm devastated so many of the lives of his constituents.
“Forever, we will look at flooding, surges, steady heavy rain and high tides differently because of Sandy,” said Addabbo. “While we have a number of ongoing projects like NY Rising and Spring Creek to help with the mitigation of future flooding, we truly cannot put Sandy behind us until every resident has fully recovered from its devastation.”
After the storm, Addabbo became a member of the Senate Bipartisan Task Force on Superstorm Sandy to develop a legislative response to the destruction.
He sponsored a law, which has since been extended four times, to waive building standards and reinstate permits unique to the Breezy Point area. He also sponsors legislation to establish a climate change task force for the state to research the issue and create a comprehensive climate action plan. Another bill that he sponsors hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state to improve air quality are lower pollutants.
Pheffer Amato Delivers Candy To A Haunted 100th Precinct

State Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Rockaway Beach) made a special candy drop for the “Spooky Stationhouse of Horrors” at the 100th Precinct.
The flyer put out by the precinct describes it as a “fun Halloween Safety Event filled with music, story time, free candy, gifts and Halloween Safety Tips to ensure that your children (and parents) enjoy a safe and wonderful fun-filled Halloween night.”
Pheffer Amato, during a busy weekend that also marked the fifth year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, contributed bags of candy to the festivities.
“Programs like these are fun for local families, they keep our kids safe and they’re a major reason the 100th Precinct enjoys such a warm and trusting reputation in the community,” said Pheffer Amato. “I’m proud to support their efforts however I can, and this is a great way to kick off a fun and safe Halloween season!”