Deutsch, NYPD Announce Collision Reports Available Online & Free

City Councilmember Chaim M. Deutsch (Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach, Brighton Beach), the New York Police Department, and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito recently announced the launch of a new portal that allows drivers involved in collisions in New York City to obtain copies of their collision reports electronically and with no fee.
Until now, the fastest way for involved parties or their representatives to obtain a copy of their report was to appear in person at the police precinct where the collision occurred, an inconvenient task that could take hours or days from the time of the collision to complete.
The move follows Deutsch earlier this year introducing legislation that similarly sought to simplify the process of obtaining copies of collision reports. With the NYPD’s work on the Collision Report Retrieval Portal underway, Deutsch worked with the Department to accomplish the goal of simplifying this process.
“In recent years, the Department has taken huge strides in the way we handle the basic report taking for collisions,” said NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill. “Instead of taking a paper form at the scene and then data entering the information at the command using an outdated computer program, officers can now take these reports electronically at the scene. The information becomes available and shareable much faster, which allows us to analyze it for public safety purposes and get copies to the affected parties faster and easier. I want to thank Councilmember Deutsch, a member of the Public Safety Committee, for partnering with the Department to bring about this change.”
“I introduced Intro 1280 in the New York City Council to mandate the New York City Police Department to provide individuals involved in a vehicle collision with online access to the report, immediately upon its preparation,” said Deutch. “I am proud to have worked closely with the NYPD to make this goal a reality through this new technological initiative. The existing method to obtain a physical copy of a collision report requires involved parties to coordinate a pickup with an officer and then wait on a sometimes lengthy line upon arrival at the precinct. Oftentimes, the process causes more aggravation than the collision itself.
“Additionally, significant attention from NYPD personnel assigned to the stationhouse is diverted to handling collision reports. Our new initiative will remedy these flaws by providing senior-friendly, easily navigable online access to reports, freeing up NYPD officers to focus on important quality of life and criminal matters. I commend NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill and Deputy Commissioner of Information Technology Jessica Tisch for their leadership in tackling this matter, and I look forward to the passage of Intro 1280 to codify this initiative into law.”
Collision reports taken by the NYPD after September 30, 2016 have been entered into the Collision Report Retrieval Portal, which is available online at Users follow a few simple steps in order to obtain a secure PIN and access an electronic version of their report.
The NYPD announced in late November TrafficStat, which provides unprecedented and timely access to NYPD collision statistics. It is available at
Golden Announces Neighborhood Heating Assistance Available At His Office

State Senator Martin J. Golden (Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach, Gravesend) yesterday announced his partnership with HeartShare Human Services and the National
Grid Neighborhood Heating Fund, to assist low-income families with the elevated cost of heat during the winter months.
The program, founded in 1983, has been administered by HeartShare Human Services since 1995. Golden has long partnered with the Fund to make the financial relief available to those qualifying constituents.
“We all know how much it costs to heat our homes and for many families, these bills place a true financial burden on a household budget. This program will again help many local families this year, and I encourage those in need to contact my office for details. I thank HeartShare for their continued dedication to this program and selecting my office as a program site in our community,” said Golden.
Eligibility is based on household size and gross monthly income. For an application and more information, please contact Golden’s office at (718) 238-6044. Those wishing to apply must show proof of income, Social Security card and identification for everyone in the household, and an unpaid gas bill.
Mealy Holds Senior Surprise Holiday Giveaway

City Council Member Darlene Mealy (Brownsville, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights) today will surprise seniors by giving away 200 gifts to them in her 41st District.
Dubbed the Senior Surprise Holiday Giveaway, this annual event celebrates the active and growing number of seniors in the district. It will feature the giveaway, board games, refreshments, entertainment and more.
The holiday giveaway is slated for between 1-3 p.m., today, Dec. 15 at the Christopher Blenman Senior Center located, 720 East New York Avenue in Crown Heights.
Williams Statement on Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Massacre

City Council Member Jumaane D. Williams (Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood), Deputy Leader, and co-chair of the Taskforce to Combat Gun Violence, yesterday issued the following statement in regard to the 4th anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre.
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between 6 and 7 years old, as well as six adult staff members.
“My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those lost that day who are undoubtedly still trying to make sense of this tragedy and heal from it. This mass shooting and Congress’ lack of response drove home for millions just how embedded guns and the resulting violence is embedded, and accepted in our American culture. So much so, that the massacre of children was not enough to move elected officials into action,” said Williams.
“Let this anniversary serve as a reminder that we cannot give up on the fight against gun violence. We need commonsense gun laws that address the supply of guns into our streets. We also need to address the demand for such violence and treat it as the public health crisis that it is. We cannot continue to push law enforcement to the front lines to tackle an issue as complicated and multilayered as this pandemic that is gripping our country.
“If we truly want to commemorate the innocent lives lost four years ago, let us remember that since Sandy Hook, more than 1,200 mass shootings have taken place and approximately 120,000 people have been killed by guns in this country. Then, let’s do something, anything, to show we truly believe that those numbers are horrifying.”
Bichotte Holds Assembly Joint Hearing on MWBEs

Assembly Member Rodneyse Bichotte (Flatbush, Ditmas Park), Chair of the Assembly Subcommittee on Oversight of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE), tomorrow will hold a joint committee hearing on the program’s progress with the Assembly’s Committee on Government Operations.
This hearing seeks to obtain input from various stakeholders involved in the State’s various MWBE programs. In addition, the hearing will examine the impact of funding for the programs included in the enacted State budget.
Article 15-A of the Executive Law, “participation by minority group members and women with respect to state contracts”, expires on December 31, 2017. This statute provides the framework for the MWBE certification and procurement program, and establishes targeted goals for sourcing of services and commodities by certified MWBE businesses.
The hearing is slated for 10 a.m., tomorrow, Dec. 16 at the Roosevelt Hearing Room C Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor in Albany, New York. While the hearing is open to the public, oral testimony is by invitation only.
Richardson Holds Last Civic MInded Meeting Of The Year

Assemblywoman Diana Richardson (Crown Heights, Lefferts Gardens) will hold her last Civic Minded meeting for the year on Saturday.
On the agenda are the actions taken thus far and planned in the future relating to making the housing component of the planned Bedford Union Armory redevelopment 100 percent affordable, and updates on various hospitals throughout the community.
Many hospitals within the area have undergone a Northwell Study, commissioned by the State Department of Health. Hospitals highlighted in this study which we will discuss, include New York City Health + Hospitals/Kings County, Interfaith Medical Center, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Wycoff Heights Medical Center ,Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, and SUNY Downstate Medical Center.
“Attendees will gain insight on the weaknesses and strengths emphasized by the report, in regards to the various hospitals. Findings highlighted in this report could ultimately change the make-up of our community health centers like Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center which will be most drastically affected. The restructuring of these health facilities will ultimately affect your everyday health-related decision making, so it is important to get involved,” stated Richardson in her emailed newsletter.
The meeting is slated for 12 noon-2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 17 at 400 Empire Boulevard on the Crown Heights, Lefferts Gardens border. Constituents with any questions, ideas, comments or suggestions should feel free to call Richardson’s office at 718 – 771-3105.