Williams, Deutsch, Maisel Celebrate Midwood High PSAL Baseball Championship
City Council Members Jumaane D. Williams (Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood), Alan Maisel (Canarsie, Bergen Beach) and Chaim Deutsch (Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach, Brighton Beach) recently honored the Midwood Hornets High School baseball team with New York City proclamations at City Hall, for their championship win over the Tottenville Pirates to win the 2015-16 Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) AAA championship.
The Hornets competed against the Pirates at Yankee Stadium on June 13 for the PSAL AAA championship. The Hornets came out victorious with a 3-0 win against the Staten Island team, making this their first-ever PSAL championship.
“It’s not every day I have the opportunity to congratulate a sports team that wins a championship,” said Williams. “I’m proud of Midwood’s varsity baseball team that made a historic win this past June. I want to recognize Head Coach Saverio Nardone, Pitching Coach Marizio Guercio, Managers Michael Cardali and Michael Taormina for their hard work with the team.”
“Through hard work, a lot of practice, and great commitment, these young students achieved an outstanding victory! I want to single out the Hornets’ shortstop, my intern James Shea, a sophomore whose dedication to his team and sport knows no bounds. We can continue to expect great things from all of the players, and I look forward to being a part of it and celebrating their accomplishments,” said Deutsch.
“I was pleased to be a part of the New York City Council’s ceremonial, which honored the Midwood High School Hornets Varsity Baseball team for winning the PSAL Championship,” said Maisel, a former public school teacher. “These young men worked extremely hard, and this is truly an extraordinary achievement by a great group of young men and their coaching staff. Looking forward to watching many of these young men compete and defend their New York City Champion title again in 2017!”
The PSAL is the longest running scholastic athletic program in the country. The organization organizes 25 varsity sports for more than 45,000 student athletes in over 400 schools.
Persaud Tabbed District Leader, Barron Steps Down As District Leader

State Sen. Roxanne Persaud is expected to be named the female Democratic district leader for the 59th Assembly District tomorrow night at the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club, according to knowledgable sources.
The move comes after longtime female 59th AD leader Roberta Sherman is stepping down. Persaud, a protege of Kings County Democratic Party Boss Frank Seddio, who is the male 59th AD Democratic leader, continues to grow in the ranks of party officials, having barely serving one term as an assembly member before being picked by Party leaders to run for the 19th Senate District special election last year.
In the upcoming September 13 primary, Persaud faces Canarsie community activist Mercedes Narcisse in what is expected to be a spirited contest.
Also in Democratic Party news, Assemblyman Charles Barron (East New York) is stepping down as the male Democratic District leader for the 60th Assembly District. At post time, KCP does not know who he picked as his replacement, but sources say it is someone from his office.
Adams Welcomes Marvel’s Captain America Home For “A Summer Movie Under The Stars”

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams announced yesterday that the showing of Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger will kick off his second annual “A Summer Movie Under the Stars,” this Saturday, July 25 at the Long Meadow North in Prospect Park.
The flick will also commemorate the 75th anniversary of Captain America, a self-described “kid from Brooklyn” who became a Marvel Comics Super Hero.
Adams, an avowed comic book fan since his youth, spoke about the special opportunity Brooklynites will have to celebrate their fictional hometown hero in one of the borough’s premier public spaces, including the recently-announced temporary installation of a 13-foot, 1-ton bronze statue of Captain America, conceptualized by Marvel artists and designed by a Brooklyn-based sculptor, in Prospect Park on Wednesday, August 10.
“I’m excited to see Brooklynites out on summer evenings in Prospect Park to enjoy ‘A Summer Movie Under the Stars’ as we welcome one of our borough’s brightest stars, Captain America, back home to Brooklyn,” said Adams. “After 75 years, our shield-bearing superhero continues to inspire through his crime-fighting capers and patriotic persona. I invite families from Brooklyn and beyond to join me for these films and all the fun-filled festivities we have planned to mark this anniversary.”
The “Summer Movie Under the Stars” lineup will include “Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier” on Wednesday, July 27, “Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron” on Wednesday, August 3 and “Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War,” which was released earlier this year — on Wednesday, August 10.
Entertainment will begin at 7 p.m. for all movie nights, with the movie starting shortly after sunset. Those attending are encouraged to bring their own blanket. Adams will also discuss the importance of bringing the borough together for positive community-building activities, as well as seizing the opportunity to educate audiences on important issues like financial education and tenant harassment, which he is doing through several short videos preceding the movie screenings.
Hamilton Kicks Off Summer At The Subway

Central Brooklyn State Senator Jesse Hamilton yesterday kicked off his Summer at the Subway at the Franklin Ave/Botanic Garden shuttle train stop.
Summer at the Subway continues Hamilton’s commitment to bring the services and resources of the office out into the community. Hamilton also brings his constituent services team to answer and help with any constituent concerns. The lawmaker also feature performances at the event and yesterday he featured three poets – Najmah53, Phoenix Reign, and Blue Poet Tree.
Every Tuesday in July Hamilton will host a Summer at the Subway event at a different subway station in Central Brooklyn.
“Outreach is critical to having people in the neighborhood share their concerns with us or getting information about community resources out there. We want to inform the community, and we want to brighten Brooklynites day. Thanks to the performers and our community partners who help make these events a success,” said Hamilton.
The next event is slated for between 6-7:30 p.m. at the N & R Train stop at 59th Street.
Mosley Fundraiser Tomorrow Night

Attorney Richard Hurely is hosting a fundraiser for Assembly Member Walter Mosley (Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights) tomorrow night.
“I am honored to invite you to a fundraiser hosted by my dear friend Richard Hurley. Richard is someone who shares our vision for a better and safer Brooklyn. Richard’s work in Crown Heights has been instrumental in helping the city we know and love, and with Richard’s help I’m certain we can facilitate long term change for our neighborhoods,” said Mosley.
The event is slated for between 6-9 p.m., tomorrow night at The Social Butterfly, 857 Atlantic Avenue between Clinton and Underhill Avenues.