Citing a recent WNYC report that there was excessive purging of Hispanic voters in her 7th Congressional District, Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez yesterday requested that the U.S. Department of Justice provide federal election monitors for the district in next week’s June 28th Congressional primary.
But her Democratic opponents in the primary, Yungman Lee and Jeff Kurzon, blasted Velazquez as playing politics instead addressing the needs of the district.
“I am writing you with great urgency to ask that you assign federal election monitors to oversee the elections occurring next Tuesday, June 28, in New York’s 7th congressional district, which I represent in the U.S. Congress,” wrote Velazquez yesterday to U. S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch.
“Evidence uncovered today suggests that the potentially illegal voter purges that occurred during 2015 have been substantially concentrated in my district in the areas of Sunset Park, East New York, and parts of Bushwick and Williamsburg. This suggests a targeted pattern of voter suppression and therefore an urgent need for federal oversight of the elections occurring in the 7th congressional district.”

Kurzon, who is running on a Bernie Sanders-type political reform platform to take big money out of politics, called the Velazquez plea for federal monitors disingenuous.
“For years, Rep. Nydia Velazquez has been getting re-elected through low-turnout elections. Now she’s on a crusade to end voter suppression? What a joke,” said Kurzon as part of an emailed release in response to Velazquez’ call for a federal monitor.
“Rep. Velazquez only cares now that the primary is a week away,” he added, noting only 4% of the district’s Democrats voted in the 2014 primary. “No wonder she gets re-elected. Barely anyone knows about these primaries or what she does.”

Lee, who has based much of his campaign on mobilizing and registering new Asian-American voters in a district that includes both Manhattan and Sunset Park’s Chinatown, also dismissed Velazquez’ call for a monitor.
“We have every confidence that the Board of Elections has addressed their unfortunate issues from the April 19th Presidential Primary and Special Elections,” said Lee Spokesperson Michael Tobman. “Every Democrat should be assured that their vote will be counted. Calling for Election Monitors is an old, cynical ploy.”