In a quiet and peaceful Flatbush neighborhood and old Victorian home, supporters of Hillary Clinton gathered to plan how to get the next person they thought would be president into the White House.

Many from the Shirley Chisholm Democratic Club were present, including Blondell Lighty, the president. Assemblywoman Rodnyse Bichotte of the 42nddistrict also came to show her support, along with her running mate for male district leader, Josue Pierre. The democratic club officially endorsed Clinton early this month, and Bichotte is an official delegate for Hillary.
Richard Merritt, a state field organizer of Hilary for America, was present to rally the troops as was co field organizer Najaah Daniels. “We want to know your ideas of how we can engage the voters, and turn out the vote,” said Merritt. “We want the vote out by April 19th, but more importantly, we’re laying the groundwork for the general election.”
The meeting’s primary focus was what the organizers called GOTV, or get out the vote. This would include utilizing volunteers by means of phone banks and going door to door. One woman in the meeting recalled a story of a young man recently released from prison that lived in her building. The man believed that his right to vote had been removed upon serving prison time. He was uninformed that he only needed to register again to have this right restored. At the Flatbush meeting, the organizers were given out voter registration forms to be given to such discouraged and under informed members of the community.
Bichotte expressed her support in the meeting to her constituents. “Hillary has been with us for a very long time. It’s her turn now. A lot of major campaigns are coming to us to our club, to the heart of Flatbush. Our voices need to be heard, because if they aren’t, then nothing gets done. Hillary will make sure our voices are heard.”
Currently, according to USA Today, a recent poll conducted by the Emerson College Polling Society found that Clinton was in lead 71-23 percent, with a margin of 5 percent error. Clinton hopes to maintain this lead going into April 19 New York State Democratic Primary, and grassroots organizations like the Shirley Chisholm Democratic Club are crucial for this goal.