Brooklyn Lawmakers On The Move March 17, 2016

News Site Brooklyn

Schumer, Jeffries On Garland Nomination

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer

Two of Brooklyn’s top Democratic federal lawmaker – U.S. Sen. Charle Schumer and Central Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jeffries released statements of support and denounced Republican obstructionism in the senate following the President naming Merrick Garland as his nominee to the Supreme Court yesterday.

“If Merrick Garland can’t get bipartisan support no one can. He is a thoughtful jurist with impeccable credentials who has already garnered overwhelming bipartisan support for a job that requires nearly the exact same criteria as a Supreme Court justice. He gets the impact of the court’s decisions on hardworking Americans in the real world,” said Schumer.

“We hope the saner heads in the Republican Party will prevail on Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell to do their job and hold hearings so America can make its own judgement as to whether Merrick Garland belongs on the court.”

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Jeffries, a key member of the House Judiciary Committee, called Garland is a highly-qualified nominee with an impeccable professional background and judicial temperament.

“His life’s journey is a classic embodiment of the American dream. Unfortunately, the Senate Majority Leader has promised obstruction. The failure to act on JudgeGarland’s nomination would be a stunning abdication of responsibility by Senate Republicans,” said Jeffries.

“President Obama has done his job. It is now time for Senate Republicans to conduct a hearing, hold an up-or-down vote and meet its obligations under the Constitution. Anything less would be a reckless act of legislative malpractice.”

Golden Bill Protecting Children From Sex Offenders Passes Senate

State Sen. Marty Golden
State Sen. Marty Golden

A bill (S1472A) that Bay Ridge Sen. Marty Golden sponsored ensuring that young children are not being cared for by felons with a history of serious crimes including sexual abuse of children passed the senate yesterday.

Currently, the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) can approve a child care license or employment application – even if the applicant has a criminal history – if OCFS thinks the approval will not jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of the children in the center, program, or home.

Golden’s legislation requires OCFS to deny the license or employment application if a background check reveals any felony convictions in New York State or any other jurisdiction for a sex offense, a crime
against a child, or a crime involving violence, or if a conviction for a felony drug-related offense occurred within the past five years.

“I am proud to have sponsored this legislation approved today that closes a loophole and better protects children enrolled in day care centers throughout New York State. This change will guarantee that no one with a history of committing crimes of sexual abuse will work in a day care setting. Parents should know that when someone is charged with the daily care of young children, their children will be safe. I ask
my colleagues in the State Assembly to pass this legislation,” said Golden.

Cumbo’s Community Mural Project Kicks Off

City Council Member Laurie Cumbo
City Council Member Laurie Cumbo

City Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo (Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights) this evening will join children, families, local residents of all ages and  organizations at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum to paint a historic mural that will highlight the beauty, cultural diversity, and unity of the Crown Heights neighborhood.

Dubbed ONE CROWN HEIGHTS, the cross-cultural project is intended to increase community bonds, mobilize positive behavior and create opportunities for the Black, Caribbean, Jewish and newer residents to work towards One Crown Heights. The event is part of a larger project funded by the City Council to support a series of community conversations, special events, and the creation of a mural that promotes diversity and unity. This summer, the community will be recognizing the 25th Anniversary Commemoration of the Crown Heights Riots.

Organizations involved in the mural include the Brooklyn Crown Heights Mediation Center, the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, the Jewish Children’s Museum, Groundswell and Repair the World.

The event is slated for between 2:30-5 p.m., today at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, 145 Brooklyn Avenue in Crown Heights.

Richardson Gets Foster Care Subcommittee Chair Appointment

Assembly Member Diana Richardson
Assembly Member Diana Richardson

Assemblywoman Diana C. Richardson (Crown Heights, Lefferts Gardens) was recently appointed as Chairwoman for the New York State Assembly Subcommittee on Foster Care.

The subcommittee will hear from agencies, advocates and court officials on instruments used to monitor quality foster care services administered, to see where improvements can be made. In addition, as the newly appointed Chairwoman, Richardson will use this committee as a platform to also improve the Juvenile Justice system in the State of New York.

“We are consciously looking to improve this system and oversee foster care services for children and families,” said Richardson. “Today’s foster care system is filled with youth, living without permanent families.  Our children who have been abused, damaged and emotionally maltreated deserve a family life experience and the best possible care.”

Lander Asks Constituents To Support CHIPS

City Council Member Brad Lander
City Council Member Brad Lander

City Council Member Brad Lander (Park Sloper, Windsor Terrace, Kensington, Borough Park) is asking constituents to support CHiPS (Community Help in Park Slope) by buying tickets to their first annual gala on April 6th  or by making a direct contribution!

Since 1971, CHiPS (located at 200 4th Avenue at Sackett Street) has been supporting Brooklyn neighbors in need by providing hot, nutritious meals at their soup kitchen and offering shelter for young mothers and infants at their residence.

CHiPS serves up to 250 meals a day – always lunch, but also breakfast and dinner – and distributes food pantry bags for the weekend. A small staff and a huge group of dedicated volunteers bring their cooking skills, love, and creativity to offer a welcoming, caring and respectful environment to anyone who needs food.

Most of the food is donated by the Park Slope Food Coop (and sometimes nearby restaurants), so it is fresh, often organic, and delicious. CHiPS serves the hungry regardless of immigration status or religious beliefs – guests don’t need to provide ID or take part in religious activities.

Upstairs, CHiPS runs the Frances Residency Program, a transitional shelter with attractive units for 9 homeless women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. The women can stay up to a year while they receive support to secure employment, become self-sufficient, and find permanent housing.

“I’ve been proud to support CHiPS throughout the last 20 years of my career – and I am deeply honored that they are recognizing me at their first annual gala on Wednesday, April 6,” said Lander.

“CHiPS is a critical part of making Park Slope a place that is supportive and welcoming to all. Thank you for your compassion and commitment to keeping it that way.”

Walker Holds Monthly Committee Meeting

Assemblywoman Latrice Walker
Assemblywoman Latrice Walker

Brownsville Assemblywoman Latrice Walker is holding her in-district monthly committee meeting on Saturday.

The topic of discussion will be on Domestic Violence with a keynote speaker from the District Attorney. “We encourage you to attend, so that we will be able to help shape a bright future for the next generation,” said Walker.

The meeting is slated for 10 a.,. to 12 noon, this Saturday, March 19 at Walker’s district office, 400 Rockaway Avenue 2nd floor, between Pitkin and East New York Avenues. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Alicka Ampry-Samuel in Walker’s district office at (718) 342-1256 or via email at