Mosley Commends Controversial Vinegar Hill School Rezoning

Fort Greene/Clinton Hill Assemblyman Walter T. Mosley yesterday commended Community Education Council 13, New York City Department of Education (DOE) and the parents of P.S 307 and P.S. 8 for working through one of the most contentious education policy decisions in recent memory.
CEC 13 approved 6-3 sending some of the wealthier mainly white students living in the overcrowded P.S. 8 school district in DUMBO to the mainly black nearby P.S. 307 in Vinegar Hill, which has some open seats.
“As we move forward, several factors must be kept at the forefront of this process. The issue of Title I funding (federal funding given to low-income schools and districts) in the face of a changing economic demographics must be recalibrated. I advocate that levels be set at 65% to be reflective of our diverse community. This federal program is critical to our current situation. Equally important is that Title I not be seen as handout but as the manifestation of the economic reality in our current educational funding system,” said Mosley, who has several elementary-aged children.
“Furthermore, there is a desperate need for adequate funding for schools that this rezoning process has shown and my colleagues in government and I have to re-evaluate the current system in place. We must push for a fair and equitable school funding metric in which each school is given its fair share of appropriate resources regardless of socio-economic factors.
“It is my sincere wish that this rezoning creates a new paradigm in the approach to dealing with school density and zoning. We must understand that this one rezoning does not only affect parents of P.S. 307 and P.S. 8, but also P.S. 20, 46, 67, 287 and Arts & Letters and a host of other schools throughout the City of New York. The DOE has to take a holistic approach to our school system and not operate policies in a vacuum without considering those policies secondary and tertiary impacts.”
Menchaca Reassures Nervous Immigrant Constituents

Sunset Park City Councilman Carlos Menchaca, a Mexican-American and chair of the Immigration Committee, yesterday reassured the city’s nervous immigrant community that the city is committed to non-cooperation with any deportation proceedings.
Menchaca’s comments come after Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents made a sweep in several states this past weekend arresting 121 illegal immigrants for deportation.
“Over the last couple of days, I have witnessed firsthand the fear of so many New Yorkers in response to media reports about increased deportation activity on the part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and ICE,” said Menchaca.
“I want to be clear: New York City’s Police Department (NYPD), Department of Corrections (DOC), the New York City Council, and Mayoral Administration are committed to non-cooperation with any deportation proceedings as is permissible by the law we passed that limits our cooperation. That is, there is currently no coordination between our local police and the federal government except in the cases of high-level criminal activity. We will not be partners in separating families from one another or from our communities.”
Menchaca noted that any ICE arrests that have occurred over the last couple of days in the five boroughs are not related to a surge in “raid activity,” but there may have been arrests related to regular ICE operating procedures.
“At the national level, current ICE raids are focused on people who received a final order of removal from a judge on January 1, 2014 or later. In any case, we ask that you be immediately in contact with legal service providers if you have questions or concerns. Reach out to those providers by calling the hotline of the New York State Office of New Americans at 1-800-566-7636,” said Menchaca.
Donovan Votes To Send Obamacare Repeal To President’s Desk

Southern Brooklyn/Staten Island Congressman Dan Donovan yesterday voted with a majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives to repeal major components of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
The measure, which passed 240-181, would also remove funding for Planned Parenthood. It comes among growing concerns while the Affordable Care Act has given millions of previously uncovered Americans health insurance, it has also upped premiums on the middle class and lessened choice – leading a growing bipartisan movement of lawmakers to look at revamping the act.
“Obamacare just isn’t working. Middle class families in Staten Island and South Brooklyn are already burdened with some of the highest costs of living in the country. To continue this charade while family health premiums reach $20,000 per year and more is ridiculous,” said Donovan.
In December, Donovan toured Frank J. Silvestri Insurance, a Bay Ridge, Brooklyn family-owned business. The Silvestris, who employ a handful of local Staten Island and South Brooklyn residents, must choose between investing in their business and employees or paying their $25,000 per year family-of-four health insurance premium.
“It’s death by a thousand cuts. Property taxes, rent, and water rates seem to increase every year. The sales tax creeps up. Income taxes for the city, the state, and the federal governments chip away at hard-earned income. Now, after years of promises of affordable health care, middle class workers are paying money they don’t have for health insurance policies they can’t keep,” said Donovan.
De Blasio, McCray Decry House Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood

Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife, the city’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray, yesterday decried the vote in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood as part of a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“Instead of playing politics with women’s – and all American’s – health care yet again, Republicans in Congress should do their job. That means passing desperately needed gun control measures; raising the minimum wage and providing paid leave for working families across the country; stopping efforts to block vital immigration reform – and much more,” said de Blasio.

McCray said in the vote to defund Planned Parenthood, congressional Republicans have sent a clear message: women’s lives, and the health and happiness of their families, have less value than political points.
“Women across New York City depend on Planned Parenthood. And for women who must choose between reproductive health care and putting food on the table, Planned Parenthood is a literal lifeline. I’m fed up with politicians who pay lip service to family values while ignoring or working hard to gut policies that support families. I hope every legislator who voted to defund Planned Parenthood is forced to explain to a woman, in person, why he wants to make it harder for her to get cancer screenings, support the children she already has or plan her future,” said McCray.
Clarke Adds Support To Obama’s Gun Control Exec Action

Flatbush Congresswoman Yvette Clarke yesterday added her support of President Obama’s executive action yesterday to tighten loopholes regarding the purchase of guns.
“I applaud President Barack Obama for taking this historic executive action to address gun violence in our nation. These actions will save lives and make America a safer place. The President’s actions will strengthen life-saving background checks, improve mental health services, and expand smart gun technology,” said Clarke.
“I stand with President Obama and all Americans of good will who are fed-up with the inaction from the Republican majority in Congress who remain derelict in their duty to protect the American people from the daily onslaught of gun violence in our communities. It is now time for Congress to follow the President’s leadership and pass meaningful gun laws.”
Harris Pledges To Fight For Stronger Brooklyn

As the first day of the 2016 New York State legislative session kicked off, Assemblymember Pamela Harris was introduced in the Assembly Chamber as the first African-American woman to hold the seat for the 46th Assembly district in Kings County.
“I’ve dedicated my life to helping our local communities thrive, and now I’m humbled by the faith and confidence the people of Brooklyn have shown in me,” said Harris. “I look forward to working with the state legislature and the governor to serve as an advocate in Albany for the interests of our people. I’ll fight to bring more good-paying jobs, to give our children the educational opportunities they deserve and to make our streets safer for our families.”
Harris previously served as a correction officer and founded an organization – Coney Island Generation Gap – that provides opportunities for young adults in the community. Her experience with the Department of Corrections showed her that more must be done to combat crime. Additionally, Harris has been a vocal advocate for Sandy relief efforts and helped in her community by personally delivering food, clothes and blankets to her displaced neighbors.
Cuomo Plan for Empire State Station Gets TWU Local 100 Endorsement

Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s announced plan yesterday to renovate and modernize Manhattan’s Penn Station and turn it into the New Empire State Station received a huge thumbs up from Transport Workers Union, Local 100 President John Samuelsen.
“It was an honor to stand with Gov. Cuomo today to show our wholehearted support for his vision for the new Empire State Station on the site of the current Penn Station. A modern, well-funded transportation network is vital to our City’s economic development and mobility. The positive, cascading economic effects for the new Empire State Station will be tremendous,” said Samuelsen.
“Every dollar invested in public transit pays massive dividends for society. A new Empire State Station will bring up real estate values, expand the economy, put more money into the city’s coffers, and more money in working people’s pockets. Gov. Cuomo’s initiative shows real leadership. It’s good for the economy. It’s good for transit workers. And its good for all New Yorkers.”
TWU Local 100 represents more than 35,000 members employed by the MTA.
Earl Williams, Former District Leader, Passes Away
The Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club announced yesterday that former Canarsie Democratic Assembly District Leader Mr. Earl Williams passed away.
The viewing is set for 4-7 p.m., today followed by a service from 7-9 p.m. at Guarino Funeral Home at 9222 Flatlands Ave. Btwn. 92nd and 93rd Sts.
The funeral is at 9:45 p.m., tomorrow, Jan. 8 at St. Laurence R.C. Church, 12265 Flatlands Ave. on the corner of Van Siclen Ave.