Northern Brooklyn City Councilman Stephen Levin, this week, threw out an opening salvo on what promises to be a spirited debate between two competing bills to address the displacement of longtime small businesses – many of them immigrant owned – who like many longtime residents are finding themselves caught between a rock and a hard place due to gentrification.
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer is floating the first bill based on her March 2015 report, Small Business, Big Impact, which recommends ground floor storefronts up for lease renewal go into non-binding mediation with landlords. If the mediation fails, storefront shopkeepers are given a one year extension with a 15% increase before they are forced out.
Brewer’s chosen sponsor to introduce the legislation is Bed-Stuy City Councilman and Chair of the Small Business Committee Robert Cornegy Jr.
Bronx City Councilwoman Annabel Palma is the prime sponsor of the second bill, the Small Business Jobs Survival Act (SBJSA), which gives all commercial tenants a right to lease renewal and a right to a minimum 10 year lease under binding arbitration.
Levin co-sponsored the SBJSA, and is more adamant about it than ever, especially since several media outlets did stories on Jesse’s Deli, a Boerum Hill neighborhood institution since the early nineties that is now on the brink of being forced out with the rent being more than doubled due to the area’s gentrification.
“Commercial rents in our city in neighborhoods like Boerum Hill or Greenpoint/Williamsburg are forcing out small independent businesses. Jesse’s is a perfect example. Here you have a deli that’s been part of the community for 25 years or more, that has been there through the hard times and the lean times and stuck with the community, and now their rent is being increased from $4,000 to $12,000 a month,” said Levin.
“We hold very sacred in this city how important rent stabilization and protection is for residents. There also needs to be some way to have some rent protection for small business owners,” he added.
The SBJSA is also getting a push from TakeBackNYC, a direct action political lobbying organization representing a coalition of small business owners, residents, and advocacy groups and formed to empower and protect the rights of the city’s small business owners.
TakeBackNYC spokesperson Kirsten Theodos said the city’s court system warrants storefront eviction rates at an average of 488 per month and over 1,000 businesses close each month with a net loss of between 8,000-9,000 jobs, in which a great majority of both shop owners and workers are immigrants.
There are five council members on the Immigration Committee and neither Brooklyn Chair Carlos Menchaca or the other Brooklyn council members Mathieu Eugene and Rafael Espinal has felt it unacceptable for wealthy unscrupulous landlords to extort the life’s saving from hard working immigrant business owners under the threat of throwing them out of their businesses, she said.
Cornegy, however, called Brewer’s Small Business, Big Impact an incredibly important report chock full of recommendations for addressing unfair lease negotiations and other causes of insecurity for small businesses.
“Borough President Brewer and I are already working closely to develop legislation to advance two of the report’s proposals, namely, a new small business lease negotiation law and expanding business owners’ ability to cure violations in languages other than English,” he said.
But Levin insists that Brewer’s upcoming proposal will lack the teeth to force a fair settlement and get tenants and landlords on a level playing field.
“I have a great deal of respect for Borough President Brewer and I’ve worked with her on a ton of issues, but on this one I’m proud to support Annabel Palma’s bill,” said Levin.
“I honestly believe Annabel’s bill has more teeth No one is saying that you can’t have a business of owning a building with commercial tenants. We’re just saying there has to be a level playing field with some protections.”