BPL Pres Reacts to De Blasio Exec Budget


Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO  Linda E. Johnson thanked the de Blasio Administration for including $902 million for libraries as part of the ten-year capital spending side of his executive budget, but said its still not enough to shore up the infrastructure and operational needs stemming from steep budget cuts in the last few years.

Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda Johnson

“We welcome our first-ever inclusion in the City’s ten-year capital plan and are grateful for the attention to our capital needs; however, the funding levels proposed are not yet enough to address our aging infrastructure,” said Johnson.

“It is also disappointing that the executive budget proposal rolls back the libraries’ operating funds by $10 million and moves us further from achieving universal six-day service. Libraries need a full $65 million restoration to provide the free resources millions of New Yorkers depend on. We remain hopeful that the Administration and the City Council will increase funding for libraries before the final budget is adopted,” she added.

The Brooklyn Public Library system is part of the Invest in Libraries campaign in partnership between the three library systems and library supporters across the City.

The campaign is calling for a $65 million restoration in operating expenses in this year’s budget, to provide the programs and services New Yorkers demand and expect from their local branches at least six days a week, and $1.4 billion in capital funding for critical renovations and maintenance.