Coney Island Gets Fed Money To Prevent Erosion
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, State Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krazny and City Council member Mark Treyger braved the cold Saturday to break ground on a final $25 million project on the far western edge of Coney Island to protect the sand erosion that is slowing shrinking the waterfront area from Brighton Beach and around Coney Island to Gravesend Bay.
The Coney Island Reach project consists of approximately three miles of storm damage reduction to the densely populated communities and infrastructure along the shoreline of Coney Island. Schumer, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Nadler and Jeffries secured $25 million in federal funding for this project in the Superstorm Sandy Supplemental bill, which covers 100% of the project’s total cost.
“We have the federal dollars, we have the plans and now, we will finally have the protection project. Residents can soon rest easy now that this critical shoreline project is underway as it will finally help make sure Coney Island’s waterfront neighborhoods and beaches are secure from future damage,” said Schumer. “Congressman Jerry Nadler has long led the charge to realize this dream, and Congressman Jeffries and I are happy to join him today to mark this accomplishment.”
Much of the work is being done in the private gated community of Seagate, but officials explained because of its location on the western edge of Coney Island, the four stand-alone T-groin structures will prevent erosion of the entire peninsula.
Bklyn Lawmakers Head To Israel
Brooklyn City Council members Mark Treyger, Brad Lander, Antonio Reynoso, David Greenfield, Rafael Espinal and Darlene Mealy are among a delegation of 14 city council members that went to Israel last night, CapitalNewYork reports.
The Jewish Community Relations Council and the UJA Federation of New York paid for the trip. Also on the trip is Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Mark Levine, Helen Rosenthal and Corey Johnson of Manhattan; Ritchie Torres and Andy Cohen of the Bronx; and Donovan Richards, Eric Ulrich and Jimmy Van Bramer of Queens.
The delegation’s itinerary includes trips to the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall, the Church of the Nativity, the Dead Sea, Yad Vashem and Tsofen High Technology—a nonprofit group that promotes the integration of Israel’s Arab community into its high-tech industry.
Colton Continues Food Drive Through Winter
Bensonhurst Assemblyman William Colton announced this weekend that a food drive his office commenced some months ago will continue through the winter.
“When I announced that my community office would be starting to collect foods to help the poor, the response has been amazing. People all over the community came and dropped off foods in the community office and the office got support from local businesses like Almonte’s Food Dynasty generously in donating foods to help the community,” said Colton.
Donations could be brought to Colton’s office, 155 Kings Highway between West 12th and West 13th Street. The office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays from 12 Noon to 8 p.m., and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon.