Henry Butler, a lifelong Bedford-Stuyvesant resident and currently the district manager of Community Board 3, was elected president last week of the Vanguard Independent Democratic Association (VIDA) – one of the most active and influential political clubs in Brooklyn.
Butler replaces City Councilman Robert Cornegy, who stepped down to concentrate on his hectic schedule in elected office. He will remain an active member though and sits VIDA’s executive committee along with former Councilman and Assemblyman Al Vann and current Bed-Stuy Assemblywoman Annette Robinson.
Butler, who is also chair of the labor committee for the Brooklyn branch of the NAACP, said as president he will focus on voter education and political engagement with the community.
“People often do not understand the steps that need to be taken to get things done in the community,” Butler said. “They also need to understand how important their votes are and they have to make sure that candidates running for office represent their interests. They need to learn to disseminate the various views of candidates running and ask them specific questions on how they want to make better changes.”