Williams, Maisel Rail Against Flatbush Porn Shop

City Councilmembers Jumaane Williams and Alan Maisel jumped into a freedom of speech controversy yesterday after vowing to supervise an adult novelty store that borders their two council districts.
The two lawmakers entered into the fray after learning from constituents that Sexy Wonders Adult Boutique, 2073 Flatbush Avenue, recently opened just doors away from the Flatlands Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library.
“Flatbush Avenue is a street our youth walk down everyday to visit the library which hosts a number of after-school programs and daytime toddler events. While the establishment is within their legal right to conduct business, it is our hope that the owner is sensitive to the children and families that will pass by their windows everyday,” they said in a joint statement.
“Our offices have reached out to the store to request a meeting with the owner, and (we) look forward to working with them to not only address the issue of discretion and public safety, but to ensure their presence does not meet with counter-productive friction or dangerous behavior,” the lawmakers added.
Owners of the store could not be reached for comment at press time.
The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), whose stated mission is to defend and promote the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the New York State Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to privacy, equality and due process of law for all New Yorkers, refused comment about the lawmakers singling out and criticizing a legally licensed business in their official capacity or the overall rights of the adult entertainment industry.
Golden Proposes New State Agency To Regulate Internet
Bay Ridge State Sen. Marty Golden announced yesterday he’s working with the internet industry to develop a new state agency bill to regulate online privacy and promote the internet safety of businesses and individuals.
Dubbed the Office of Online Privacy and Internet Safety, the proposed agency will become part of the executive branch directly responsible to the governor. The new office would coordinate and collaborate with other agencies involved in online privacy issues, such as the Attorney General, the Office of Information Technology, the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, and others.
“The news is filled these days with reports recently about large-scale breaches of security and loss of personally identifiable information to hackers,” Golden said. “The result is that people lose money, property, and security. What may not be known, since only the breaches get reported, is that there are thousands of ongoing daily attacks on public and private websites as well as internet services. The risk threat is ongoing.”
“Each new technological development brings enjoyment and entertainment, but also is a ground for new threats. We need to be looking at these and balancing the issues of pleasure, risk, and security. People
and businesses need to know what steps they can take to protect themselves, and what to do if their security is violated,” he added.
Scheduled Events Today:
7:30 a.m. – New York City Councilman Jumaane Williams, Assemblyman Nick Perry, Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte and anti-gun violence advocates hold press conference to announce community-based initiative to combat gun violence, St. Therese Lisieux Catholic Academy, 4402 Avenue D, Brooklyn.
8:30 a.m. – Public Advocate Letitia James attends Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce Power breakfast, 209 Joralemon St., Brooklyn.