Central Brooklyn Assemblymembers Karim Camara and Walter Mosley today urged NYPD Police Union President Pat Lynch to dial down his rhetoric.
Their comments came after they learned the union started a drive to ask the NYPD’s rank-and-file to send a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito asking them not to come to a funeral if any police fall in the line of duty.
Camara, who chairs the the state legislature’s Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Caucus, stressed the importance that leaders do everything they can to bring people together, not divide them.
“In times of tragedy, we must move beyond politics and headline grabbing bluster. Only by sincerely addressing our differences and working to find common ground will we bring the City together to become more united than ever,” Camara said.

Mosley said it is the responsibility of the city’s leaders to work together to ensure no further loss of life, civilian and police officer alike.
“Mayor de Blasio is one of many leaders working to make this a reality. The recent inappropriate statement by the New York City PBA is an unnecessary obstacle to improving relations between New Yorkers and law enforcement,” Mosley said.